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Budgie No.410

Wells Fargo Stage Coach

Budgie No.410 Wells Fargo Stage Coach

Variation 1: blue coach, unpainted mw & shaft

Issued 1961    Length 118mm

In 1960, Budgie produced some  small-scale miniature models of 'Wild West' covered wagons linked to the TV Series 'Wagon Train' (see Wagon Train Toys). More models were planned but in the event only one other was issued in the same scale, No.410 Wells Fargo Stage Coach. All these items had a short life as the new owners of Budgie Toys, S.Guiterman & Co, decided to discontinue them by the end of 1961.
The small Wells Fargo Stage Coach No.410 was a one-piece casting with the exception of the roof insert. There was some detail on the sides but no Wells Fargo name. Underneath, the lettering 'Wells Fargo Stage Coach A Budgie Toy' was cast and beneath the driver's seat a small 'Made in England'. There was no number.
The first issue (variation 1) was painted mid-blue with unpainted metal wheels and shaft. The frisky-looking horses, two white and two dark brown, were made of plastic and the tiny driver (easily lost!) was blue plastic similar to the figures on the Wagon Train models.
Later a gold-plated variation (2) of the stage coach with black or charcoal painted metal wheels was issued. This had similar plastic horses and driver.
No.410 Wells Fargo Stage never had a box but instead was sold in a double-width yellow blister-pack which carried the Budgie logo but listed the manufacturer as Morris & Stone (London) Ltd. The model number '410' was printed on the front of the pack.
The small Stage Coach is a rare model and examples still in the original pack are almost unknown and extremely rare.

Budgie No.410 Wells Fargo Stage Coach
Budgie No.410 Wells Fargo Stage Coach

Variation 2: Gold coach, charcoal wheels & shaft

410 Wells Fargo Stage Coach



Both variations had

2 brown & 2 white plastic horses

Blue plastic coachman

1)  BLUE coach, UNPAINTED metal wheels & shaft

2)  GOLD coach, CHARCOAL or BLACK painted metal wheels & shaft

Budgie No.410 Stage Coach blister-pack (1961 Catalogue image)

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles     Kemlows Sentry Box

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