Benbros Qualitoys
Royal Coronation Coach

Variation 2 : Silver Coach

Variation 2 : Silver Coach
Prompted by the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in June 1953, many toy makers created commemerative souvenirs to celebrate the occaision. Among the most popular was a model of the royal coach and Benbros produced this version in the Qualitoy range.
It was cast in two parts, the coach being one unit and the shaft, horses and outriders the other. The coach had 'ER' cast on both side doors but carried no other id. It was painted either silver-chrome or gold. At the front of the coach was a hole for the shaft to be attached.
The eight horses and four outriders were cast with the shaft which had a down-pointing hook for attachement to the coach. On the top of the shaft was cast 'Made in England'. Interestingly, the horses were cast with only two legs each, those on the right with legs on the right-hand side and the opposite for the left-side horses. The whole unit was painted white with red trim for the horse blankets and the riders' coats, gold for the saddles, and black for the riders' hats.
The colourful end-flap box carried a picture of the coach on both faces and 'Royal Coach miniature model' on the two sides. The end-flaps had 'Benbros Qualitoy' printed on them.
Less common that the Lesney and Morestone Royal Coaches, the Benbros version is still reasonably easy to find in good condition. It was later re-issued in the Zebra Toys series (Zebra Toys Royal Coach).

Variation 2 : Silver Coach
Benbros Qualitoys Royal Coach
1) GOLD coach, 'ER' on doors, WHITE shaft/horses/riders with trim, id. on shaft
2) SILVER coach, 'ER' on doors, WHITE shaft/horses/riders with trim, id. on shaft

Variation 2 : Silver Coach