Budgie Models No.102
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud

Metallic pale-green with window box

Metallic gold

Metallic pale-green

Metallic pale-green with window box
Issued 1981-84 Length 107mm
No.102 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud was the last fully new model produced by Budgie and it was a fine one to end with. Cast with great detail and precision, it was an outstanding example of the skills of diecast toymakers. Made for H Seener Ltd. by Modern Products in their foundry in Walthamstow, it was based on the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud manufactured from 1955 to 1959.
The design of No.102 was intersting in not having the radiator grille cast with the body but instead as a separate casting which included the famous 'Flying Lady' mascot and the front bumper. This meant that the whole section could be painted before assembly. The remainder of the body was a one-piece casting fitted with clear, or sometimes slightly amber-tinted, plastic windows. Underneath, the silver painted base included some drive-shaft and exhaust detail and carried the lettering '1955-1959 Silver Cloud Rolls-Royce Budgie Models Made in England for H Seener Ltd'. The wheels were unpainted metal with black treaded tyres.
Budgie produced the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud in a number of different colours including metallic finishes as listed below but on all models the radiator grille was always chrome-plated.
Unlike other H Seener models, No.102 was sold from the start in a window box with a blue inner packing piece with a white dotted line at the front. On the outside, the famous Budgie logo of a budgerigar and "Budgie Models' were printed on each side of the window. On the back of the box below a Union Jack flag was printed 'The names ROLLS-ROYCE and SILVER CLOUD and the ROLLS-ROYCE badge, radiator grille and mascot are all registred trade marks used by Budgie Models (continuation) Ltd under licence'.
In 1984 H Seener Ltd ended the contract to manufacture diecast models which had passed to Starcourt Ltd when they bought Modern Products. Mr Seener owned the dies and in 1984 transferred them to Corgi Toys in Wales where the Rolls-Royce returned to production (with several changes and different wheels and colours) under the 'Seerol' brand. On the base the name 'Seerol' replaced 'Budgie Models' as confirmaton that all links with Budgie were closed.
No.102 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud was a very collectable toy and many excellent examples can still be found although Budgie produced it in so many colours that a full collection may take a while to complete.

Budgie No.102 Rolls Royce - metallic silver
Budgie No.102 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud
All models had a chrome-plated grille
'Budgie Models for H Seener Ltd' on the base
Metal wheels with black tyres
'Budgie Models' window box with number





Metallic pale-blue

Metallic gold

Metallic pale-green

Budgie No.102 Rolls Royce box