Morestone 'Esso' Petrol Pump Series
No.10 GPO Repair Van
Another interesting model in the Esso Petrol Pump Series was No.10 GPO Repair Van which was based on a Karrier telephone maintenance vehicle. 'GPO' stood for 'General Post Office' because in the 1950's the telephone service was operated by the British Post Office.
No.10 Repair Van was an awkward model to cast but the detail was good in parts. It was painted in the dark-green livery of the telephone service which was perhaps a bit dull so silver trim was added to the grille, bumper, rear number-plate, window struts, and above the split-screen.
The base was unusual in being stepped to incorporate a lower section below the cab for the axle. It was painted dark-green with the the body and had 'Telephone Repairs Made in England' and 'No.10' cast on it. Attached using a clip-fit system, it was held in place by tabs on each side which fitted into holes in the body at the base of the cab doors.
The wheels, on flat-head & crimped axles, were chunky, unpainted metal of a design and size only used once more in the Esso Series for No.20 Plymouth Belvedere Convertible..
No.10 GPO Telephone Repair Van had a short run but is not hard to find in good condition, though the boxes are more scarce. It was not included in the Budgie Miniatures range.
No.10 GPO Repair Van - Summary
Issued in Esso Series : 1956-58
Length : 57mm
Esso (large font) Garage Offer on base flap, Garage Coupon
Esso (large font, large number) Garage Offer on base flap, Garage coupon
Esso (large font, large number) Offer overstamped, Garage Coupon
Model details
DARK-GREEN body & base, silver trim, umw