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Budgie Toys No.202

Long Distance Refrigeration Truck

Issued 1959-66    Length 153mm


Based on the US International cab and articulated truck, the first Budgie model was identical to the earlier Morestone Refrigeration Truck sold under the 'Trucks of the World' Series but over a long production life No.202 Refrigeration Truck had many variations.


On the original model, the distictive two-tone cab of red and blue was made from two separate castings rivetted together. Underneath, the front axle was an open style one and the lettering 'International' and ' Trucks of the World' were cast on the base. Silver trim was added to the headlights only. The wheels were domed, unpainted metal with knobbly tyres on flat-head & crimped axles. The connector for the trailer was a little T-shaped lug above the rear axle of the cab which linked into an angled slot in the trailer base.


The first issue trailers had a flat roof, side panels with orange 'Coast to Coast Refrigeration' decals and a separate silver painted rear door hinged from the base at the bottom corners. The silver Type 1 base incorporated the rear axle supports and two imitation bogey wheels near the front. The wording stated 'Long Distance Refrigeration Truck' and 'Made in England'. It fitted into the body by a tab at the front and two clip-fit lugs near the back.


After a short time, the two-tone cab was abandoned in favour of an all-red one although it continued to be constructed in two parts. Silver trim was added to the headlights and also occaisionally to the bumper. For a while the metal wheels remained unpainted but before long these too were painted red. The trailer kept its unpainted wheels but the tyres, which were the same for cab and trailer, could now be knobbly or treaded.


The next change came with smooth push-fit silver plastic wheels with treaded tyres which were being applied to many of Budgie's models. Shortly after this, the body of the trailer was re-cast with a more domed or round roof and a re-cast rear door to fit the new shape. Silver wheels can be found on both old and new trailer types. The trailer base also was improved with the words 'A Budgie Model' and 'No.202' being added. In addition, some models with silver plastic wheels were issued with orange (or orange-red) cabs. 

By 1965 Budgie was under pressure to upgrade its models and so the International cab was fitted with windows (which were pale amber) and a strengthened base with a covered front axle. The previous wheels were replaced by ridged silver plastic fitted with knobbly tyres.


The trailer also changed once again and reverted to a flat-top style but with a very different rear door and base. Previously the door had been attached to the base but Budgie now abandoned that and designed it to fit onto the trailer body with a clip-fit system. The new base had a different lettering layout with 'Long Distance Refrigeration Truck Made in England' inverted and cast onto a raised panel. Like the cab, ridged silver plastic wheels were fitted.


No.202 had a wide variety of boxes. It first appeared in type A1 boxes without numbers but these were soon added to the picture sides (A2). The illustration showed the original two-tone cab. After 1961, the Guiterman name replaced Morris & Stone as manufacturer on the yellow boxes (A8), and the model was also issed in a blue open-sided pack, sometimes with an orange cab (C2). The final yellow box had 'Budgie Models Ltd.' added to the picture faces (A10), a scarce printing shared with only three other models.


The last variation of the model was also sold in the Netherlands and possibly elsewhere in Europe by HEMA, an Amsterdam retailer, under the Litteltois brand in their own style boxes using a picture of the two-tone cab.


The Refrigeration Truck had a long production life. It was often included in the 5-Series Gift Sets and so is quite easy to find in good condition but the first and last model variations are scarce. The final issue Budgie box as well as the Litteltois box and the open-sided C2 pack are all hard to find.

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck
Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck
Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 1: Red & blue cab, Flat-top trailer, umw (knobbly tyres), A1 box

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck



(1) RED & BLUE CAB/umw, FLAT-TOP TRAILER type 1, base 1, umw, knobbly tyres, A1 box


(2) RED CAB/umw, FLAT-TOP TRAILER type 1, base 1, umw, knobbly or treaded tyres, A1 or A2 box


(3) RED CAB/red pmw, FLAT-TOP TRAILER type 1, base 1, umw, knobbly or treaded tyres, A2 box


(4) RED CAB/spw, FLAT-TOP TRAILER type 1, base 1, spw, treaded tyres, A2 or A8 box


(5) RED CAB/spw, ROUND-TOP TRAILER, base 1, spw, treaded tyres, A2 or A8 box


(6) RED CAB/spw, ROUND-TOP TRAILER, base 2, spw, treaded tyres, A8 box or C2 pack


(7) ORANGE CAB/spw, ROUND-TOP TRAILER, base 2, spw, treaded tyres, C2 pack

(8) RED CAB/windows/ ridged spw, FLAT-TOP TRAILER type 2, base 3, ridged spw, knobbly tyres, A10 or Litteltois box

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 2: Red cab, Flat-top trailer, umw/treaded tyres, A2 box

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 3: Red cab/pmw, Flat-top trailer/umw, knobbly tyres, A2 box

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 3 with treaded tyres

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck
Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 6: Red cab/spw, Round-top trailer, treaded tyres, A8 box

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 7: Orange cab, round-top trailer, spw, treaded tyres, sealed C2 pack

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck
Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 8: Red cab/windows/ridged spw, Flat-top trailer (type 2), A10 box

Budgie No.202 Variation 9 with a Litteltois box
Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck

Variation 8 with a Litteltois box

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck Trailers

No.202 Trailers, doors and hinges: Flat-tops (l & r), Round-top (centre)

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck Trailer bases

No.202 base types: 1 (lower), 2 (centre), 3 (upper)

Budgie No.202 Refrigeration Truck boxes

Budgie No.202: print variations on boxes (A1, A2, A8, A10)

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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