Morestone 'Esso' Petrol Pump Series
No.8 Volkswagen Saloon Car (Sedan)

No.8 Volkswagen Saloon Car (or Sedan) in the Esso Petrol Pump Series was based on the real vehicle manufactured from 1953-1958 and characterised by a small oval rear window. The Morestone model had a long life remaining on sale until 1970.
Several of the Esso Series models were made by Modern Products who had a foundry near the offices of Morris & Stone and the VW Sedan was one of them. It was of basic body & base construction with both bumpers being part of the base with 'Volkswagen Sedan', 'Made in England' and 'No.8' cast underneath.
Painted a metallic silvery-blue, the Volkswagen Sedan had unusual orange trim on the headlights, and sometimes orange or red on the filler cap, and red trim on the rear tail-lights. The wheels were unpainted metal on flat-head & crimped axles.
No.8 Volkswagen Sedan had four different versions of the Esso boxes.
When the Series was discontinued in 1959, the model was re-issued by Budgie in Mobile and Modern (type 1) boxes, and Budgie blister packs. See the Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen page for more details.
With such a popular model, good examples are commonly found.

No.8 Volkswagen Saloon Car - Summary
Issued in Esso Series : 1956-59
Re-issued by Budgie : 1960-70
Length : 58mm
Esso Boxes
Esso (small font) Garage Offer on base flap, Garage Coupon
Esso (small font, large number) Garage Offer on base flap, Garage Coupon
Esso (small font, large number) Offer overstamped, Garage Coupon
Esso (small font, large number) number on base flap, Tanker Coupon
Esso Model
Metallic SILVER-BLUE body, ORANGE headlights, SILVER base, umw
Details of later versions, boxes and packs on Budgie Miniatures pages

No.8 Volkswagen Sedan : Trim variations