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Budgie Miniatures

No.8 Volkswagen Saloon

Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen Saloon Car

Morestone/Budgie No.8 Volkswagen Saloon was one of the models made at the Modern Products foundery. It was based on the VW 1200 Sedan with the small oval rear window.


First launched as Esso Series No.8 Volkswagen Saloon  in 1956, it was re-issued under the Budgie Toys logo in 1960 and continued in production until 1970 when the Modern Products business was sold and diecast toys discontinued.


The VW did not change much during its long life. From the start it was painted metallic silver-blue with a painted silver base which included both front and rear bumpers. For many years it had unpainted metal wheels but around 1961 some models were fitted with grey plastic wheels before the final switch to black plastic.


One feature of the Volkswagen was the trim. Being a silver colour, a contrasting tone was needed for the headlights and the one chosen was orange. At the rear, the tail-lights and central number-plate cowl were given dark red, and red was also used on early models for the fuel cap beneath the windscreen. Levels and tones of trim varied and some of these are pictured below.


During its life, No.8 Volkswagen appeared in many different boxes and packs starting with the Esso Petrol Pump Series of which it had no less than four types! Budgie re-issued it in yellow blister-packs (now rare) but mainly in 'Mobile' and Modern' Vehicle Series boxes. It was also included in both Budgie Gift Sets Nos.8 and 12.


Blue blister-packs were introduced in 1962 when Guiterman bought Budgie Toys and these continued after Guiterman's demise in 1966 until 1970 under the 'Budgie Models' name. The Volkswagen also appeared in the US in World Toy House packs and in two 'Traffic Set' triple packs.

Morestone Esso Petrol Pump Series No.8 Volkswagen

Variation 1 : unpainted metal wheels

Esso Petrol Pump Series box with Tanker Coupon

Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - gpw, Mobile box
Budgie Miniatires No.8 Volkswagen - gpw, Mobile box

Variation 2 : grey plastic wheels

MOBILE Vehicle Series box

No.8 Volkswagen Saloon

Model Variations


  • (1) METALLIC SILVER-BLUE, orange headlights, unpainted METAL wheels


  • (2) METALLIC SILVER-BLUE, orange headlights, GREY PLASTIC wheels


  • (3) METALLIC SILVER-BLUE, orange headlights, BLACK PLASTIC wheels

Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - bpw, Modern (type 1) box
Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - bpw, Modern (type 1) box

Variation 3: black plastic wheels

MODERN Vehicle Series (type 1) box

No.8 Volkswagen Saloon

Boxes & Packs


1956-59      Esso Petrol Pump Series boxes 

1961-64      Budgie Gift Sets Nos.8 & 12

1962-63       MOBILE Vehicle Series boxes

1962-66       Blue 'Budgie' blister-packs (Guiterman)

1963-65      World Toy House blister-packs (US)

1964-66      MODERN Vehicle Series (type 1) boxes

1965-67      Budgie No.99a Traffic Set (triple blister-pack)

1966-70      Blue 'Budgie' blister-packs (Budgie Models)

1967-70      Budgie No.99b Traffic Set (triple blister-pack)


Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - blue blister-pack

Variation 3 in blue blister-pack

Budgie triple pack No.99a Traffic Set

Budgie triple pack No.99b Traffic Set

Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - trim variations
Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - rear trim variations
Budgie Miniatures No.8 Volkswagen - wheels and base



The real car

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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