Budgie Miniatures
No.11 Royal Mail Van

No.11 Royal Mail Van was based on a Morris LC5 vehicle and was first issued as Esso Series No.11 Royal Mail Van in 1956. Later it was re-issued by Budgie and appeared in both Mobile and Modern Vehicle Series boxes.
The casting was interesting because the base included narrow rear mudguards and to accomodate this it was fixed high inside the body and secured by a clip-fix method into holes in the side doors. One this base, which was gloss black, 'Royal Mail', 'Made in England' and 'No.11' were cast. The wheels were unpainted metal.
The real Royal Mail vans were - and still are - painted red but in the 1950's the Morris vans had black bonnets and front mudguards and so the first Esso Petrol Pump model was finished this way. It also had open rear windows in the casting and these continued when the black front was discontinued (more details on the Esso No.11 Royal Mail Van page).
The last Esso model and the first Budgie Miniatures issue was re-cast with closed windows at the rear. It was painted red with silver trim on the front grille, headlights and front bumper, and on the 'EIIR Royal Mail' lettering on the each side.
Around 1963, Budgie improved the Royal Mail Van by adding inner strengthening to the rear mudguards which possibly had been prone to damage during assembly. This type 2 base was painted like the earlier version in a gloss black finish.
Unpainted metal wheels were still used but soon afterwards they were changed to black plastic. There was also a reduction to the silver trim which became applied to the grille only.
When yellow blister-packs were started, the Royal Mail Van was among the first to get one. The maker was listed as Morris & Stone, pre-dating the Guiterman takeover in 1961. Later yellow 'Guiterman' packs were used as well as 'Mobile' Vehicle Series boxes, and the model was included in both Budgie Gift Sets, Nos.8 and 12.
With the Mail Van's upgrade to black plastic wheels, the packing changed to blue blister-packs and it was also sold in 'Modern' (type 1) Vehicle Series boxes.
No.11 Royal Mail Van was a popular model and is not hard to collect but the first Esso issue and the last Budgie one are very scarce. It was withdrawn in 1965.

Variation 1: First 'Esso' issue with rear windows and black front

Variation 2: red body, rear windows, umw

Variation 3 : closed rear windows, with MOBILE Vehicle Series box
No.11 Royal Mail Van
Model Variations
(1) RED with BLACK front, open rear windows, full silver trim, BLACK base 1, unpainted metal wheels
(2) RED body, open rear windows, full silver trim, BLACK base 1, unpainted metal wheels
(3) RED body, closed rear windows, full silver trim, BLACK base 1, unpainted metal wheels
(4) RED body, closed rear windows, full silver trim, BLACK base 2, unpainted metal wheels
(5) RED body, closed rear windows, trim on grille only, BLACK base 2, black plastic wheels

Variation 5 : black plastic wheels, reduced silver trim
MODERN Vehicle Series (type 1) box
No.11 Royal Mail Van
Boxes & Packs
1956-59 Esso Petrol Pump Series boxes
1960-62 Yellow 'Budgie Toys' blister-packs (Morris & Stone)
1961-64 Budgie Gift Sets Nos.8 and 12
1962-63 Yellow 'Budgie Toys' blister-packs (Guiterman)
1962-63 MOBILE Vehicle Series boxes
1963-65 Blue 'Budgie' blister-packs (Guiterman)
1964-65 MODERN Vehicle Series (type 1) boxes

Yellow Morris & Stone blister-pack

Blue Guiterman blister-pack

Type 1 base

Type 2 base with strengtheners

Trim variations

The real Morris-Commercial LC5 Royal Mail Van