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Budgie Miniatures

Nos.50-55 Road Tanker Series

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50    51    52    53    54    55

Budgie Miniatures No.56 Shell BP Tanker

In 1963 Budgie introduced the Road Tanker Series with a new range of numbers from 50 to 55 with an 'R.T.' prefix. These were a unified group using the same castings but painted in the different colours and liveries of oil companies.


The cab and chassis of the Tankers was a one-piece casting which included a contol box and pipe unit on one side. There was no base and the wheel axles fitted directly onto the chassis. 'A Budgie Model', 'Made in England' and 'Tanker Series' was the lettering cast underneath. 


The tank was a separate casting which slotted into the rear of the cab with a tab and onto the chassis with a rivet or a clip-fit system. Using a rivet was probably the first assembly method. Later the chassis was adapted with side holes and the tank with added lugs for the clip-fit assembly.


As a result, the chassis had two castings, one without side holes and one with them near the rear but the central hole for the rivet remained in place. The wheels on both variations were black plastic.


Although withdrawn in 1966, the Tankers must have been popular as several versions are still easy to find. The rare ones are the Shell and Shell BP variations, and some of the Modern boxes are very scarce.

Budgie Miniatures Nos.50-55 Roat Tankers - underside
Budgie Miniatures Nos.50-55 Road Tankers - with and without clip-fit holes
Budgie Miniatures Nos.50-55 Road Tankers -with and without rivet


Boxes & Packs


The Road Tankers were sold in Modern Vehicle Series (type 2) boxes with each version having its own illustrated box and an 'R.T.' number.


In addition, numbers 50 to 55 were issued in both yellow and blue Budgie blister-packs but often the cards carried random numbers not in line with the box numbers. Surprisingly the Road Tankers did not have their own Budgie triple blister-pack, the only exception being No.55 Mobil Tanker which was included in 98a Utility Vehicle Set.

Production of the Road Tankers ceased in 1966, most likely because of a fire at the Budgie foundry which destroyed almost all of the casting moulds.

Finally, No.50 BP Racing Service and No.55 Mobil Tanker re-appeared in the 1970 Budgie Garage multi-model sets. These comprised old stock being cleared when Budgie Models and the foundry were sold.


  •   1963-64   Yellow Budgie Toys blister-packs (Guiterman)

  •   1963-66   MODERN Vehicle Series (type 2) boxes

  •   1964-66   Blue Budgie blister-packs (Guiterman)

Budgie Miniatures Nos.50-55 Road Tankers - yellow blister-pack
Budgie Miniatures Nos.50-55 Road Tankers - blue blister-pack
Anchor 7

No.50 BP Racing Service Tanker


Cab & chassis : GREEN

Tank : WHITE

Side decals : red 'Racing Service', 'BP' logo above chequered flag at front

Rear decal : none

Budgie Miniatures No.50 BP Racing Service Tanker
Budgie Miniatures No.50 BP Racing Service Tanker
Anchor 8

No.51 Shell Tanker


Cab & chassis : YELLOW


Side decals : red 'Shell' with logo always at front

Rear decal : Shell logo

Budgie Miniatures No.51 Shell Tanker
Budgie Miniatures No.51 Shell Tanker
Anchor 9

No.52 Shell BP Tanker


Cab & chassis : YELLOW

Tank : WHITE

Side decals : large Shell & BP logos at front of tank

Rear decal : small Shell & BP logos

Budgie Miniatures No.52 Shell BP Tanker
Budgie Miniatures No.52 Shell BP Tanker
Anchor 10

No.53 National Tanker


Cab & chassis : BLUE


Side decals : blue 'National', large logo always at front

Rear decal : small 'National' logo

Budgie Miniatures No.53 National Tanker
Budgie Miniatures No.53 National Tanker
Anchor 11

No.54 BP Tanker


Cab & chassis : GREEN

Tank : WHITE

Side decals : BP logo at front of tank

Rear decal : BP logo

Budgie Miniatures No.54 BP Tanker
Budgie Miniatures No.54 BP Tanker
Anchor 12

No.55 Mobil Tanker


Cab & chassis : RED

Tank : RED

Side decals : black on white 'Mobil' (diagonals towards front)

Rear decal : none

Budgie Miniatures No.55 Mobil Tanker
Budgie Miniatures No.55 Mobil Tanker

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles   Kemlows Sentry Box   Dublo Dinky Toys

Abbreviations used on Nicholas Martin Diecast


  • umw - unpainted metal wheels

  • pmw - painted metal wheels

  • pw    - plastic wheels

  • gpw  - grey plastic wheels

  • spw  - silver plastic wheels

  • bpw  - black plastic wheels

  • sp     - silver plastic

  • um    - unpainted metal

  • id.     - maker's identification

  • w/wo - with or without


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