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Budgie Toys No.456/D.R.

Despatch Rider

Around 1958 Morris & Stone replaced the Morestone Motorcycles with a new casting ready for the launch of the Budgie Toys range. These were used for the AA and RAC Motorcycle Patrols and the four Solo Motorcycles. Unlike their coloured predecessors, the Solo models were issued on a bright chrome finish with plastic riders. The second of these was the Despatch Rider.
The new Budgie model was chrome-plated all over with unpainted metal wheels and black tyres. 'Made in England' was cast on the left side below the seat. The plastic rider was pale brown with a black helmet and black gloves and boots, although later the black helmet was dropped and the helmet left unpainted. The face and head of the rider was painted pink.

In 1964 the motorcycle was upgraded with a new casting of a Triumph motorcycle. Like the earlier model, this was chrome plated with unpainted metal wheels and black tyres with the same brown plastic rider with unpainted helmet and black gloves and boots.

Boxes for the Despatch Rider utilised the old Morestone Series (Morris & Stone) design at first with the number '456/D.R.' added to the end-flap details. Later, when Guiterman took over ownership, the Morestone boxes contunued but the end-flaps were changed to read 'Made in England by a member of the Guiterman Group No.456/DR'.
Eventually the Morestone boxes were replaced by yellow 'Budgie Models' ones which carried a picture of the Budgie model (with the rider wearing a black helmet) and the number and name of the model on the end-flaps (B1). There was no upgrade when the Triumph motorcycle was issued.

Along with all the Solo Motorcycles, production of the Despatch Rider ended in 1966.

Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider

Variation 1: Budgie m'cycle, rider with black helmet, Morris & Stone numbered box

Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider
Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider

Variation 2: Budgie m'cycle, rider with brown helmet

Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider


All models were chrome plated with umw & black tyres

All riders had black gloves & boots, with pink head trim

1) BUDGIE m'cycle, 'Made in England' on left side, brown rider, BLACK helmet, Morris & Stone numbered box

2) BUDGIE m'cycle, 'Made in England' on left side, brown rider, BROWN helmet, Morris & Stone, Guiterman or Budgie box

3) TRIUMPH m'cycle, NO id., brown rider, BROWN helmet, Budgie box

Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider
Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider

Variation 3: Triumph m/cycle, rider with brown helmet, Budgie B1 box

Budgie No.456/DR Despatch Rider box variations

Budgie No.456/DR box variations

Nicholas Martin Diecast
Benbros, Morestone & Budgie Vintage Toys
Britains Lilliput Vehicles     Kemlows Sentry Box

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