Dublo Dinky Toys
No.062 Singer Roadster

Issued 1958-1960 1:76 scale OO/HO gauge
For the second model in the Dublo range, Dinky chose a sports car with a hint of nostalgia because the real car had gone out of production in 1955. The model chosen, the Singer Roadster SM 4AD, was the last made by Singer and despite its flowing lines failed to rival the popular MG range.
Dinky cast the Roadster in one unit without a base and slotted the axles directly onto it. The model was always painted yellow all over including underneath and silver trim was added to the grille, number plate, headlights, and both front and rear bumpers. The seats, dashboard and hood cover were finished in bright red.
Underneath, the casting included 'Dublo Dinky Toys Meccano Made in England' and at the rear the number '1' but models exist with no number which are believed to be the first issued.
Only one type of wheel was fitted to the Singer which were smooth grey plastic. It is claimed that a model exists with treaded black wheels but the evidence of authenticity is very thin!
There was just one box issued with the Roadster, the standard yellow end-flap type with a picture on both faces.
As it was a play-friendly model, examples of the Singer Roadster can be hard to find in mint condition.

Dublo Dinky Toys No.062 Singer Roadster
Yellow body with red seats and hood cover
Silver trim on grille, headlights, front & rear bumpers
Smooth grey plastic wheels
Yellow 'Dublo Dinky Toys' end-flap picture box

The real Singer Roadster